It was my great pleasure to bring a session I originally organized for the SHA meetings to the AAA meeting, with my co-organizer Whitney Battle-Baptiste (UMass). I delivered a paper representing a theoretical updating of my earlier ideas on Rosewood as part of this session, in a paper titled “The Archaeology of Intersectional Violence: The 1923 Rosewood Pogrom in Historical… Read more →
Cedar Key Oral History Workshop
I recently facilitated an oral history workshop in partnership with the Cedar Key Library on Saturday June 29, 2013. Oral history remains an important aspect of my ongoing interest in Levy County, Florida (location of my dissertation research). The workshop was well-received and attracted nearly 30 participants. For more information, see the article in the Cedar Key News. Read more →
Digital Storytelling in the Classroom (AAA 2012)
My participation at this year’s annual American Anthropological Association (AAA) meetings centered on delivering on paper and serving as a discussant. The paper, which I presented as first author with UF’s Clarence Gravlee, was titled “Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Techniques for an Engaged Anthropological Pedagogy.” I also served as the discussant for a session titled “Borders and… Read more →
GIS Workshop at AAA 2012 Meetings
The 2012 annual American Anthropological Association (AAA) meetings are once again in San Francisco, California (November 12-18). This year’s conference includes a workshop on GIS and cultural anthropology, co-organized by Andrew Tarter (website) and myself. The workshop is kindly sponsored by the Culture and Agriculture section of the AAA (website).The workshop has approximately 25 pre-registrations, one of the largest enrollments… Read more →
Mapping Hurricane Sandy
A quick blog post for maps I am creating as Hurricane Sandy approaches New Jersey. The background imagery for these maps is from ESRI’s National Geographic Basemap. The weather information is rom NOAA’s nowCOAST Info Depot. I am also creating maps of power outages by municipality for Monmouth County. Read more →
Visualizing NJ Property Value
This post concerns the visualization of property values. I am working on this for an upcoming project on the African American experience in Asbury Park, New Jersey, and particularly the 1970 riot. Part of this research focuses on the socioeconomic experiences (e.g., access to property ownership, property values) of various groups ithroughout the 20th century. Property ownership remains part of… Read more →
Anarchism, Ethics, and Pedagogy in Engaged Archaeology
I recently presented on some preliminary ideas regarding the intersection of anarchism, archaeology, and engaged anthropology. I presented this as part of the Radical Archaeological Theory Symposium (RATS) held at SUNY Binghamton on October 17, 2019. See below for the abstract and a video version of the lecture. Read more →